Sunday, August 29, 2010
Eli's last post
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Second post from Eli
Monday, August 9, 2010
Eli's Blog Uno-health fair in Alto Caballero
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
La Clinica de Soloy

At one point, Dr. Cadena came over and told Addie and I that it would be a good idea to do a little patient education for all of the adults in the waiting room. We gently tore the influenza poster off the wall and tried our best to make sense in Spanish as we read the poster to the men and women in the waiting room. I’m assuming we got our point across because we got a few laughs when Addie pretended to sneeze on her hand and then touch me, and I acted like I was really disgusted. We were trying to teach them to do the Dracula sneeze into their elbows. We ended up having a lot of fun at the clinics!

Thursday, July 29, 2010
July 6, 2010
Last day in San Felix!! Not going to lie, we're all glad to be leaving. No more trickling showers. No more wearing shoes every waking moment of every day. No applying bugspray immediately following a shower. No more sharing a room with 15 other people. No mas! No mas! No mas!
Our final presentations were due at 9am today - we presented to the health staff here in La Comarca. The nurses and some of the doctors we had been working with at the clinics in Alto Caballero, Soloy, and Hato Juli were present. My group was the environment and health portion of our trip. We basically talked about the different things we saw. We pointed out positive things we saw (like health promotion for TB and malaria) and negative things too (like biohazardous waste being dumped into holes in the ground). For my group's particular topics, it was hard not to be negative because most of what we saw were not good, healthy practices. Thankfully, none of this was news to these health officials. We made sure to point out issues that America shared with them. For instance, we discussed litter and trash here. No matter where you go, litter is everywhere. In the urban areas, in the rural areas... It doesn't matter. We shared with them that litter is a problem in the states too.
The other groups were 'the nurses role in the community,' 'school visits,' and 'Survey statistics.' The other groups summarized those very things. Because one of the main reasons for our visit was to conduct the domestic violence surveys, the health officials were interested primarily in the prelimenary statistics that were presented. They were very thankful that we came and for all our efforts.
The presentations took about 3 hours - so it was lunch time after that. The health officials and our translators (that we worked with the first week) stayed for lunch and were presented with certificates of thanks from USF Health. It was a nice gesture, I thought. Lunch was.... Drum roll please.... Chicken and rice!!! Haha.
After lunch we left for the UNACHI (The University of Chiriqui) for a formal welcome from their faculty and a tour of the campus. The school was part of the university of Panama for years, but they've since become their own entity - completely independent. The college of nursing is only about 12 years old - total they've had 340 graduates. One of the faculty told us that there are only 60 students admitted each year. They have two classrooms for nursing classes, and a very small lab. The lab consisted of a table, some books, and maybe some sample NG tubes and such to practice with. There were no mannequins, or dummys like we have at USF. Dr. Cadena told the faculty about our simulation lab - and they were just in awe of what she was saying. Our dummies can birth babies... They couldn't believe it!
This was the first time USF had any type of formal meeting with UNACHI - so it was cool to be a part of it. They are very receptive to accomodating more students next summer and it being more of a partnership with their school. We didn't really know about them until this last week. So, we didn't work with their students at all. They started discussing how our trips would benefit them, and I hope there will be opportunity and funds to support some of their students coming to USF to study. They would be amazed!
Because Dr. Cadena is good with money and budgeting, we had enough money for us all to go to dinner tonight. We chose TGIF, which was one of the only American restuarants that we saw in David. It was fantastic. I had real diet coke (I have pictures of the experience), and pasta. It was lovely. They even had wifi, so I was able to get online for a bit.
Some of us spent some time talking about how the trip has affected us when we got back to the compound and how we think it will change (or has changed) who we are...
Amanda brought up that we get to leave... we get to leave the poverty and sickness behind. We get to leave the dirty water and lack of electricty behind. We leave the domestic violence behind. These people stay. Their children stay.
Unfortunately, because politics play such a role in health care there will be no immediate change. The soap we handed out will be gone by next week... so will the toothpaste. The shoes and clothes and shampoo we're leaving will hopefully be useful... for a while. And the research we did? If it results in some policy changes, we won't see it for another 7-10 years. And that's just the policy changes... that doesn't include the actual implementation of the new policies.
It's a little bit sobering to realize those things. I hope USF has more opportunities in the future to be apart of improving health care here in Panama - especially in the Comarca among the Ngobe Bugle.
I would come again in a heartbeat. Even with cold showers, constant shoe and bugspray wearing, and even with sharing a room and bathroom with 15 other girls for 3 weeks. God brought me here for a reason. I hope I don't forget...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Health Fair
Today, a small community called Alto Caballero hosted a Health Fair for all the people living in the area. They expected approximately 4000 people to show up for immunizations, Pap smears, screenings, urgent care, dentistry and physicals. After the day was done, the clinic members noted that only about 600 people showed up for the event.
Our role in the health fair included taking blood pressures and pulses, giving immunizations, observing/participating in Pap smears, and taking the height and weight of the community members. Each community member had an immunization card (if it hadn’t been lost) that showed what immunizations the patient has received and when they last received it. This system seemed to work well when patients came to the immunization station. It allowed the nurses to easily identify which immunizations, if any, the patients needed. Most of the patients, both pediatric and adult, received the influenza vaccine.
By around 2:00pm the fair was starting to end. The people of the communities were starting to leave. We were informed by one of our translators that the reason the people get to the clinics so early in the morning and leave for home by early afternoon is because of the rains. It usually rained in the mid afternoon so the people tried to beat the rains. We were also told by our translator that it is not uncommon for people to walk up to 4 hours to get to the clinics.
The compund
After 2 days in Panama City and a long bus ride half way across the country, we finally made it to San Felix where we will be staying for the next two and a half weeks. The Compound is called IHS (not sure what it stands for), but the locals know it as “El Padre’s”. Compound is dormitory style with guys in one room and girls in the other. The back portion of the compound’s property housed goats, chickens and pigs as well as a labyrinth of slippery, algae covered concrete walkways winding between tropical plants.
Every night at 6:00pm a bell rang to signal dinner was ready. And, every night at 6:00pm we would walk up to the cafeteria to find a plate of chicken and white rice waiting for us. By the end of the trip, we were all really tired of rice and chicken. On our bus ride back to Panama City, two and a half weeks later, we stopped at McDonald’s. McDonald’s has never tasted so good before.
From the compound we divided into three groups and went to three different tribal communities for clinical. While in our clinical setting. We worked in the clinics, the school and also conducted a door-to-door survey about domestic violence and substance abuse. Our transportation to these communities varied daily from a taxi truck, ambulance, chicken truck or our tour bus. Of the three communities, one was only about 15 minutes away while the other two were about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes away.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The health fair
Fun time
Watching the birth of a baby
Monday, July 26, 2010
Back to reality
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Teaching in Soloy
Our Journey

Monday, July 19, 2010
Special thanks to Dr. Cadena, Ms. Metzger and Mr. Stewart. Without you guys, this trip wouldn't have worked! Also, thank you to my fellow students! Getting to know you all has been amazing!
Volcan Baru
Sunday, July 18, 2010
During our trip, when I would come across an individual who spoke English, particularly when we were traveling through Boquete, I found myself to be overjoyed. Just to hear someone speak in my own language and to be able to understand what they were saying was such a nice change and made me feel more at ease. I think this is one of the many, and best lessons I have taken away from Panama. When I become a nurse, or even now while in clinical, and come across a patient who does not speak English (which I have many times before), to really take the time and go the extra mile to communicate with them in a way that’s easy for them to understand. There are so many services out there and available to them that there’s really no excuse not to use them to help the patient feel more at ease at a time that’s hard to do so. This trip for me has really made the aspect of communication in nursing a huge priority in my care.
Alto Caballero
Seeing all of this, I wasn’t quite sure what to think. For a split second I was sad. Sad that these people had to live like this and in such extreme poverty. But then I thought, by thinking that, doesn’t that make me ignorant and judgmental? Who am I to judge what a good life is and what is not?? Just because they don’t have all of the luxuries that we Americans do, does that make their life bad or any less good than mine? I’m hoping that with the more surveys we do, and the more people I come across and speak with, I’ll get the chance to answer my own question.
Las Olas, Playa La Barqueta
Clinicals in Hato Juli
Volcan Baru
Friday, July 16, 2010
My Experience in Panama
Volcan Baru
Thursday, July 15, 2010

On our trip at the San Felix hospital a group of us got to watch a lady give birth. It was my most memerable experience of the entire trip since I want to be a midwife. This was also the biggest culture shock to me. I was fully prepared for the poverty we saw on the trip but nothing could prepare me for this experience. When we got there she was in a room with the doctors but they were setting things up in another room. Apparently they have to wait in one room until the women in 9cm dilated and then she has to get up and walk to the other room to deliver her baby! Never in America could u get a pregnant lady fully dilated to walk across the hall and climb up steps to get onto the table to deliver her baby, and might i mention with nothing but IBUprofen! It was crazy talk! Anyways, literally as soon as she got on the table the baby started to come out. She didn't even push! And when we saw the head it was completely purple and blue and we knew something was wrong. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. The next few seconds felt like they lasted minutes while he tried to cut it off. But the doctor got it off and the baby practically flew out! The doctor almost dropped him. Then it took awhile to get the baby going. He was purple for a long time but then he started to turn red and then he cried and we all we so relieved. After they cleaned the baby up they wrapped him up and showed the mom and she just looked at him and then they took the baby away. She didn't smile or anything. We were all shocked. We wanted to say congrats but it didn't seem like she was happy. Must be something with their culture I guess. But I am so glad I got to be apart of that experience and I will never forget it. Not too many people can say the first time they saw a birth was in panama but I can!
Our last dinner, and my last blog

We ended our amazing trip with a last night out to dinner at a nice restaurant called Las Tinajas in Panama City. We all dressed up and everyone looked great...we needed to feel beautiful after spending a week and a half in the hot and humid weather! We didn't get as much food on our plates as we had expected for the prices, but the disappointment was made up for by the show that we enjoyed toward the end of dinner (and the amazing sangria they had there). A small group of men and women dressed up in a few of their traditional dance outfits, dancing to their traditional music, played by 2 men on small drums, a guitarist, and a female singer. All the dresses were very colorful and decorated with jewelry, and the headdresses that the women wore were very intricate and beautiful. It was pretty amusing to also see the men dancing in very thin sandals, flipping their feet about on stage with their little hats. Then came the 2 men wearing these very devilish masks, playing castanets with their hands. I'm surprised they could really even see where they were going with those large masks on, but then again they did run into the wall on their way off stage. Overall it was a great evening, and I was a little sad to know that this was our last night out before we left the next morning.
As hard as we worked on our trip, we did manage to fit some play time in here and there. When we first arrived in Panama City we spent a day touring the Old City and the Panama Canal. Some of us were also able to sneak away to a salsa lesson one night! After starting work in the Comarca we took a quick day trip to the beach in Las Olas. It was a much needed break and day of fun. Here we swam in the Pacific Ocean, which was a first for many. Some just laid in the sun and enjoyed the pool while others surfed, again some for the first time! A large group of us also ventured out on a kayak tour in the cold gross murky water and turned out rain. What an adventure that turned out to be! Our guide got us lost and took us almost an extra hour out of the way. Something I'm sure none of us will ever forget. The most fun we had was our weekend in Boquete. Here we were able to enjoy the mountains and rain forests of Panama. A group of us climbed to the top of Volcan Baru, the highest point in Panama and a round trip total of almost 18 miles! Others were able to go horse back riding and rock climbing. We were also able to zip line! We managed to pack a lot a fun and great memories into our short breaks. I'd say we worked extra hard but we played hard too! :)
School Day

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
We were able to spend six amazing days immersed in the communities and clinics of the Comarca. We were able to help and meet some of the needs of three communities; those being Soloy, Alto Caballero, and Hato Juli. Our first two days were spent working directly in the villages. We had the amazing opportunity to conduct some surveys that allowed us the speak one on one with members of the Ngobe Bugle tribe. We walked through their villages, mingled and played with the children, and were invited into the homes. The third and fourth days were spent working in the various clinics. Here we helped give vaccinations, assess patients, perform pap smears, start IV’s, administer medications and injections, and jump in wherever we were needed. The fifth day we were all together as a large group in Alto Caballero for a big health fair. Assessments, nutritional counseling, vaccinations, pap smears, and emergency medications were performed on a much larger scale. Our final day in the communities was spent in the schools were we were able to spend some time educating the kiddos. We were fortunate enough to bring some supplies with us so each child received a toothbrush, toothpaste and a small bar of soap to take home with them. We went over how to brush and floss teeth and how to properly wash hands. There was also a little play time thrown in there. As a group we were able to accomplish a lot in such a short period of time. But those six days were an unforgettable cultural and learning experience.