On our trip at the San Felix hospital a group of us got to watch a lady give birth. It was my most memerable experience of the entire trip since I want to be a midwife. This was also the biggest culture shock to me. I was fully prepared for the poverty we saw on the trip but nothing could prepare me for this experience. When we got there she was in a room with the doctors but they were setting things up in another room. Apparently they have to wait in one room until the women in 9cm dilated and then she has to get up and walk to the other room to deliver her baby! Never in America could u get a pregnant lady fully dilated to walk across the hall and climb up steps to get onto the table to deliver her baby, and might i mention with nothing but IBUprofen! It was crazy talk! Anyways, literally as soon as she got on the table the baby started to come out. She didn't even push! And when we saw the head it was completely purple and blue and we knew something was wrong. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. The next few seconds felt like they lasted minutes while he tried to cut it off. But the doctor got it off and the baby practically flew out! The doctor almost dropped him. Then it took awhile to get the baby going. He was purple for a long time but then he started to turn red and then he cried and we all we so relieved. After they cleaned the baby up they wrapped him up and showed the mom and she just looked at him and then they took the baby away. She didn't smile or anything. We were all shocked. We wanted to say congrats but it didn't seem like she was happy. Must be something with their culture I guess. But I am so glad I got to be apart of that experience and I will never forget it. Not too many people can say the first time they saw a birth was in panama but I can!
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