Thursday, July 15, 2010


We all took a day and went to visit the school in each community to teach them some basic things to the little ones. They were so cute! The class my group went to was a kindergarten class and they were all 5 and 6 years old just like in America. They had lots of colorful posters and calenders. And i was really surprised to see how many colored pencils and crayons they had. We brought the mouthwash that turns your teeth blue. and then they brushed it all away. Then we taught them how to floss their teeth and we demonstrated it on egg cartons. Flossing was way over their heads. They had no idea what was going on.  Then we moved on to handwashing. We put green glitter on half of the class's hands and red glitter on the other half's hands. Then we had them shake hands with other people in the class so they would have green and red glitter to represent transmission of germs. They had no idea what was going on but it was a really cool idea!!! Then we had them wash their hands. We packed each student up with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a peice of soap. Finally we played a little ball with them and sang them the monkey song. It was fun to hang out with the kids and see their faces smiling. But at the end of the day I dont think what we taught them was practical for them. We should have taught them how to keep their food clean and about trying to keep their water clean. In the community they have rice on a tarp and all the chickens and dogs run over it with their dirty feet and then they eat it. They dont even have enough water to drink but we are teaching them to wash their hands and brush their teeth. But we went in meaning well and that is all that matters. Next time we will come more prepared.

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